Microsoft,  Mobile

The Getting started with Xamarin and matters Virtual

The main landing that I can’t ever seem to remember to start with is actually here:

Installing and Setting Up Xamarin.Android – Xamarin

Installing and Setting Up Xamarin.Android – Xamarin

How to install and configure Xamarin.Android to work with Visual Studio.


The next important part is when you are setting up HAXM (for intel based chips)

From a cmd window.

sc query intelhaxm  (and if it is not already installed go here HAXM Release on GitHub

sc stop intelhaxm – to stop the service
sc start intelhaxm – to start the service

You can also use Hyper-V (sometimes I have issue with this method because it likes to mess about with my wifi/lan connections- that’s sometimes not a pretty sight in Windows 10).

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