Site News

News from ScottGeek's Corner.

  • Site News

    ATT Gateway Issues, again?

    I know I’ve mentioned this before- ATT fiber gateway “thing” has got to be one of the most annoying network devices to try to setup, so everyone can see all of this site. Indeed yes! We had a power fail during some storms last Friday, and of course there was some disruptions. Not many, most of my servers are on UPS. But for some reason, the fixed IP from the Gateway to my Lan changed the IP address to the primary NIC. REALLY!! It’s supposed to be a fixed address, not DHCP.

    And yet here we are. The gateway did not in fact give the same IP address to the main hosting server. Oh why Oh why?

    Anyway, sites are backup again!


  • Site News

    Up and Coming Topics

    Just a quick note on new topics to talk about for 2020… Here’s the list of my thoughts:


    • ASP.Core  3x – the latest going on’s since my last posting… which was ASP Core 2.1.
    • Blazor – I’m dipping my hands into this now that it seems to be getting some traction
      (looks like EF core finally works in Blazor).
    • The Age of “foldable” things is here?
    • The Azure Cloud and what I’ve been up to in this space.

    Those are my current tech workings… so we shall see.


  • Article,  Other,  Site News

    Behind in my posting

    Ya, I’m a little behind… I’ve not posted anything since… gee October!. Really?

     It’s been a busy month and ½… It’s not that there’s not a lot to talk about… Indeed there is. Anyway, I’ve lots of Azure stuff to point out and comment on as I’ve completed a cert class on Azure dev (or so it was called). Then there’s ASP Core 3.x… some new versions of Visual Studio. And I’ve not even written anything on Media stuff… Star Wars… Disney+… the list goes on….

    Well, I’ll be out of the corp life for a couple weeks coming… there will be time to do some catching up.


  • Site News

    Site Update

    I’ve noticed an increase of comments to my site- Now I’m not opposed to anyone putting comments here (If I did, I would of course turn comments off). But really folks- if you post from IP’s that are on Blocked-lists, or put odd statements in a comment, then why would I allowed them through?

    So, you will notice the annoying Capcha- not perfect… but there are also spam controllers collecting you as well. 😉 

    My point is- Stop “bot-ing” my site (ya I know that’s never going to stop)… if you are real person and your comment does not show up… well it happens. I’ve too many hits on my firewall from Ad trolls, not everything is going to make it through.


  • Site News

    My Site Rules in Plain words…

    Hi Everyone,

    It’s time to post a note about my Site (ScottGeek.Technology)….

    Some details….

    A- I don’t allow anyone to create, logon, or tamper with this site.

    B- I monitor everyone and every bot that attempts to break into my site.

    C- I Block, Ban, and record your network traffic to my site when you try to Spam and/or Break into my system.

    What I Do Not do:

     Stop anyone or anything from referring to any of my posts- Unless of course, you prove yourself to be a Troll… or do anything from the list above (A-C).

    If you have an opinion… everyone does… that’s fine. If it’s on topic, I do allow such comments. However; If you are looking to sell/spam/troll/spout hate or in any way diminish the integrity and value of my site- you, your ip, your very existence on my site will be removed and Banned with No quarter nor Mercy.

    I don’t know how to make it any plainer than that.
