• Containers,  Microsoft

    Standing up Portainer using Docker Desktop on Windows.

    So as I find useful Docker tools… I’m finding that Portainer is a very useful for my running Docker Desktop…

    The thing of it is… like a lot of images/containers… depending on what type of images you are set to run (Windows vs. Linux), the actual running of the Portainer varies.

    If one is on windows images…

    #First time running Portainer
    #Now make sure that the directory C:\ProgramData\Portainer exist or change the second volume property (-v) below 
    docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name portainer --restart always -v "\\.\pipe\docker_engine:\\.\pipe\docker_engine" -v C:\ProgramData\Portainer:C:\data portainer/portainer

    This gives one access to Portainer on Localhost:9000. In the first go around you will need set an admin user and password.

    Now onto the Linux version…

    # Do volume if one does not exist
    docker volume create portainer_data
    #Now start the image
    docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name portainer --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer

    The key to doing this is to choose the type of containers before executing the RUN or PULL of the portainer image.

    Because you got it, if you are running Windows containers – The RUN or PULL will get you that type of image for the OS… And one must Run the container based on the type. Indeed- the volume property is different between Windows and Linux….

    Be Happy with your Containers….


  • Containers,  Microsoft

    Docker Desktop WSL 2 Ports Access Denied

    As I’ve been trying to work with Linux containers and images, I ran into a problem with assigning ports to Linux containers. The Linux distro is running under WSL 2 on my Windows 10 2004… and when I set the -P x:y, Docker would fail to start the container will an error Access denied. 

    So after lots of internet looking… and port mangling… noon of which work… I find that the Linux distro (Ubuntu 18 something) seems to require root… so here we go…

    I open a bash terminal under the distro that docker is using… and do the following:

    sudo groupadd docker
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    sudo chown root:docker /var/run/docker.sock

    Now the first groupadd should report that the docker group already exist… not a problem. This only means you are in the right distro…

    The next two commands put the docker socks code under the ownership of root.

    And there you go, one can assign ports in the run.


  • Containers,  Microsoft

    Docker Desktop and Windows 10 2004

    Ok as I previously talked about getting Docker up and going on a PC that really does not support the level of Hyper-V that is needed by Docker Desktop… there is a another solution. Windows 2004 update…

    Now I’ve been putting off the move to version 2004 because it was known to have had problems… But I finally made the move… no real problems yet. So why do this… with Windows 10 2004 one get’s WSL (the Windows Subsystem Linux). This is key to getting Docker Desktop to work without using Hyper-V!

    So lets do some stepping through this:

    First move one’s Windows to version 2004 (hours and hours and hours later) – make sure you enable – Windows Subsystem for Linux- it may or may not be turned on.
    Second install Docker Desktop – if WSL is installed and ready the opening installer for Docker will have a WSL 2 enable selection. Make sure you select that.
     **One might also have to update a default distro to WSL 2 if you have linux distros already on your PC. One will get a warning and where to go to do that.

    Now when Docker Desktop finally gets loaded or running… go into Powershell and do a wsl -l -v:

    PS C:\ps_Home> wsl -l -v
      NAME                   STATE           VERSION
    * Ubuntu                 Stopped         2
      SLES-15                Stopped         2
      Ubuntu-20.04           Stopped         2
      Debian                 Stopped         2
      kali-linux             Stopped         1
      docker-desktop-data    Running         2
      docker-desktop         Running         2
    PS C:\ps_Home>

    If, again, everything is ok… you should see a similar list to the one above… these are the Linux Distros. As one can see I have several.
    ** You can select which Distro is used in Docker, but it must be a WSL 2 version… Now one can convert version 1 (in my list that would be kali-linux) by doing a wsl command-

    wsl --set-version kali-linux 2

    You can Enable the other Distros for Docker within the Docker Desktop app. Settings => Resources => WSL Integration.

    And now you are good to go.


  • Containers,  Microsoft

    Docker Oh Docker

    The  dark world of Containers and Images…oh my.  As I step my feet back into the Container World… and bring back the horror that is Hyper-V… I am reminded that my personally built Mage Dev PC does not really fully support the whole of Hyper-V- as least not how Docker Desktop wants to use it. Ya, it work fine on my ThinkPads (including my mini- Yoga X1)… but alas not the main desktop dev.  Oh woe!

    But wait… there is a way…. I ran across this blog entry Docker without Hyper-V … and it really works… The long and short of it…. two methods to the madness…

    Option 1 script:

    # Install Windows feature containers
    $restartNeeded = $false
    if (!(Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName containers -Online).State -eq 'Enabled') {
        $restartNeeded = (Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName containers -Online).RestartNeeded
    if (Get-Service docker -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
        Stop-Service docker
    # Download the zip file.
    $json = Invoke-WebRequest https://download.docker.com/components/engine/windows-server/index.json | ConvertFrom-Json
    $stableversion = $json.channels.stable.alias
    $version = $json.channels.$stableversion.version
    $url = $json.versions.$version.url
    $zipfile = Join-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\" $json.versions.$version.url.Split('/')[-1]
    Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicparsing -Outfile $zipfile -Uri $url
    # Extract the archive.
    Expand-Archive $zipfile -DestinationPath $Env:ProgramFiles -Force
    # Modify PATH to persist across sessions.
    $newPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH",[EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) + ";$env:ProgramFiles\docker"
    $splittedPath = $newPath -split ';'
    $cleanedPath = $splittedPath | Sort-Object -Unique
    $newPath = $cleanedPath -join ';'
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $newPath, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
    $env:path = $newPath
    # Register the Docker daemon as a service.
    if (!(Get-Service docker -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
      dockerd --exec-opt isolation=process --register-service
    # Start the Docker service.
    if ($restartNeeded) {
        Write-Host 'A restart is needed to finish the installation' -ForegroundColor Green
        If ((Read-Host 'Do you want to restart now? [Y/N]') -eq 'Y') {
    } else {
        Start-Service docker

    This works just fine… and Option 2 (use DockerMsftProvider)


    $paths = $env:psmodulePath.Split(';')
    $modulePath = Join-Path $paths[0] "DockerMsftProvider"
    if (!(Test-Path $modulePath)) {
      New-Item -Path $modulePath -ItemType Directory
    $outfile = Join-Path $modulePath 'DockerMsftProvider.psm1'
    Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $outfile -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajkauffmann/MicrosoftDockerProvider/master/DockerMsftProvider.psm1
    $outfile = Join-Path $modulePath 'DockerMsftProvider.psd1'
    Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $outfile https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajkauffmann/MicrosoftDockerProvider/master/DockerMsftProvider.psd1
    Install-Package Docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force

    Now Option 2 – don’t forget to do a Start-Service docker … or things will complain…

    Now I did change up the module path a bit to push docker up to my system module area instead of to my user’s doc path… and I did notice that Option 2 got a newer version of docker… Oh well you choose.

    And yes docker commands work… Kitematic works… and Portainer works…

    Btw if you want Portainer… 

    docker pull portainer/portainer
    docker run -d --restart always --name portainer --isolation process -h portainer -p 9000:9000 -v //./pipe/docker_engine://./pipe/docker_engine portainer/portainer

    There you go!
