The strongest loop knot
Article: Alexa will soon have a memory
Alexa will soon have a memory:
MS Docs: .NET Framework Versions and Dependencies
Docs listing of the .Net versions etc.
MS Docs: Azure CosmosDB: Develop with the SQL API in .NET
,CloudGood step-through to get you started with CosmosDB and Azure:
Chrome Canary Testing
In my reading travels I see Google is finally getting off the old tired look for a Browser…. The Canary version can be downloaded and installed side by side with your current Chrome Browser..
When you get it in place try some settings adjustments.
On the url line:
chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md -tweak some settings…
I’ve not tried these yet:
chrome://flags/#enable-md-extensions -
Twitter: Create query graphs in Azure/Cosmos with open-source connector
Twitter: build poll
A Twitter Poll concerning MS build 2018 event.
Check out @msdev’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/msdev/status/987380206179504128?s=09
Article: How Looming Privacy Regulations May Strengthen Facebook and Google
How Looming Privacy Regulations May Strengthen Facebook and Google
Create Service Fabric Clusters from Visual Studio now available | Blog | Microsoft Azure
Article: Looks like .Net Core 2.1 preview 2 is here.
I’ve not even finished looking at the 1st preview – with a read though. Seems there’s come controversy starting with how previews roll form version to version. It seems a bit pointless to me. I understand the “breaking” changes, and I have no issue with the change in policy. Read the article.
Announcing .NET Core 2.1 Preview 2