REST API Tool or Experience
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Announcing Updates to the REST API Experience
Today, we are announcing big changes to the REST API experience on docs.microsoft.com!
Source: On Microsoft Docs
Build 2018 Session: Entity Framework Core 2.1: Simple, Powerful Data Access for .NET
Entity Framework Core 2.1: Simple, Powerful Data Access for .NET
Entity Framework Core 2.1: Simple, Powerful Data Access for .NET : Build 2018
We know the data tier is one of the most important parts of your application. That’s why we’ve worked hard on the latest release of Entity Framework Core 2.1…
Source: On YouTube
Build 2018: Session: Windows 10 Your Phone, Sets, Timeline iOS, Android
Windows 10 Your Phone, Sets, Timeline iOS, Android
Microsoft Build 2018: Windows 10 Your Phone, Sets, Timeline iOS, Android
Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore shows new features coming to Windows 10 at Build 2018, including Your Phone app, Timeline for iOS with Microsoft Edge and Timeline f…
Source: On YouTube
Build 2018 Session: The future of C#
The future of C#
The future of C# : Build 2018
Over the last year we shipped no less than three “point releases” of C# (7.1, 7.2 and 7.3), full of small but useful language features. Mads and Dustin will …
Source: On YouTube
Build 2018 Session: Visual Studio Code Can Do That: Tips & Tricks
Visual Studio Code Can Do That: Tips & Tricks
Visual Studio Code Can Do That: Tips & Tricks : Build 2018
Visual Studio Code is on fire. Everybody loves this unexpected text editor smash hit, and for good reason: it can do A LOT. It can compile JavaScript templat…
Source: On YouTube
Build 2018 Session: Migrating from TFS to VSTS Using the TFS Database Import Service
Migrating from TFS to VSTS Using the TFS Database Import Service
Migrating from TFS to VSTS â Using the TFS Database Import Service : Build 2018
If you like all the great features of VSTS and the ease of automatic upgrades, but want to know how to get your projects moved over, this session will discus…
Source: On YouTube
Build 2018 Session: Building Solution Templates and Managed Applications for the Azure Marketplace
Building Solution Templates and Managed Applications for the Azure Marketplace
Building Solution Templates and Managed Applications for the Azure Marketplace : Build 2018
The Azure Marketplace provides a great opportunity for visibility and validation of your applications for customers. Millions of compute hours are driven thr…
Source: On YouTube
Build 2018 Session: Angular Today, Angular Tomorrow, Angular Forever
Angular Today, Angular Tomorrow, Angular Forever
Angular Today, Angular Tomorrow, Angular Forever : Build 2018
Millions of developers use Angular to build robust, interactive web applications that work with all kinds of backend technologies – learn how the Angular tea…
Source: On YouTube
Build 2018 Session: Building Apps for Azure Marketplace and AppSource
Building Apps and Services for Azure Marketplace and AppSource
Building Apps and Services for Azure Marketplace and AppSource : Build 2018
Azure Marketplace and AppSource offer a new set of capabilities that will allow for customers to easily find, try, buy and deploy SaaS, IaaS, add-in and cons…
Source: On YouTube
Build 2018 Session: Build WordPress apps with Azure Database for MySQL
Build Azure DB session.